There is no church that celebrates the Passover today, except the World Mission Society Church of God (WMSCOG). That's really a wonder. Satan, who opposes God has been devising all kinds of crafty schemes to abolish the truth of life God has given us. Especially he has been trying to hinder the truth of the Passover from the second century about 100 years after Jesus' ascension up until today. After the Apostolic Age, the early Church was divided into the Eastern Chruch led by Jerusalem and Asia Minor and the Western Church led by Rome. Around that time, the Eastern Church that had been holding Communion on the Passover. Around AD155, the first dispute was initiated between Polycarp the bishop of the Church in Smyrna and Anicetus the bishop of the Church in Rome representing the Western Churches. Polycarp, who was personally taught by Apostle John, strongly rejected the Western Churches' claim that the celebration of the Passover on the 14th of Nisan should be ab...
"We trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation"