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God loves us with His hearts, soul, and mind

God loves us with His hearts, soul, and mind

Luke 19:10 for the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.

Hebrews 2:14-15 
…He too shared in their humanity so that by his death…

To seek and save His lost children God gave up all power and glory in heaven. Humbling Himself, He came as a man, being made lower than the angels (Hebrews 2:5-9), and willingly endured all kinds of pain and suffering for us.

Matthew 22:34-38  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  
This is the first and greatest commandment.

How can we love God with all our heart?

How can we love God fully? It may seem a little vague to us, especially since we are weak sinners who may set our minds more towards worldly desires.
In the bible, there is a good example of a man whom God acknowledged as one who loved God with all his heart, soul, and mind. He is King Josiah. (2 Kings 23:25)

 When we keep the Passover just as king Josiah did, we can also receive the same testimony from God that we love God fully. We can see that the Passover and the first commandment have an inseparable relationship. (2 King 23:21-25)

 The first commandment among the Ten Commandments is as follows:

Exodus 20:3 … You shall have no other gods before me.

Exodus 12:12 … I will bring judgment on all the gods…

When we keep the Passover God destroys other gods. 

So we can easily distinguish the true God, (there must be true God only by the law of the powerful Passover) and thereby, come to serve only God and love Him fully.

2000 years ago, Jesus came as a Passover lamb and He showed the new covenant Passover through the bread and wine. But by the lawlessness, the Passover was abolished after that we got more other gods before us.
That means it is easy to serve the other gods, not the true God.

Now, we are keeping the Passover just as Jesus taught by the bread and wine on the same day and same time in WMSCOG

Because God came here to give us the Passover, the way to have eternal life and show us the power of letting any disaster to pass us over. We can also see the result after keeping the Passover the other gods will disappear from us. 

When we realize the sacrificial love of God, we can come to love Him with all our hearts.

Let’s keep this precious Passover to the last days as God’s wish.


  1. Many people do not understand the Bible correctly and regard the Passover as something that they don't need to celebrate, however, the Passover is a gift from God to give a salvation for us.


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