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God the Mother, Life is inherited from Mother


God eagerly wants human beings who are blinded by sin and wandering in darkness to find the way to eternal life. So, God has clearly shown them His eternal power and divine nature through all things He made, so that they can know Him.

Ro 1:18~20 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

Every living organism created by God has a finite life span. Fully grown adult mayflies live for only one day. The average life span of dogs are 15 years. Elephants, the largest land animals in the world, live on average for 60 years. Sea turtles, which are well known for their exceptionally long life span, live approximately to 200 years.

Why is it that there are such differences in life span between animal species although they all live in the same place 'EARTH?' It is because each of the species inherits a specific life span from their parents. Mayflies live just one day because their mothers can only live for one day. Elephants live on average for 60 years because their mothers have an average life span of 60 years. No matter how hard they try to live longer, they cannot live for hundreds of years or thousands of years beyond their life span which they have inherited from their parents. God has given every creature a life span like that. This reflects the profound providence of God.

1Jn 2:25 And this is what he promised us - even eternal life.

God has promised us eternal life. This shows that God our spiritual Father and Mother will allow us to inherit the DNA of eternal life from Them just as all living things on this earth inherit life from their parents.

All living creatures inherit a fixed life span from their parents. With the help of today's advanced science and technology, it has been proven that the motive power of all our life activities is inherited from our mothers. The profound principles of life hidden in all things God made are now recognized by scientists who have been studying life.

We have God the Mother in heaven whom we inherit eternal life from. So we must inherit the DNA of God who has the eternal life, especially the Eternal Life DNA of God the Mother.


  1. The truth of God the Mother is always amazing and interesting to me. And never boring.
    I also want to have the eternal life by inheritance of God the Mother's eternal life span.

  2. It is so surprising that God has shown His power and divine nature through all things He made. I think the way of getting life through "Mother" is really important fact that we should remember to get the eternal life.


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